This is Tiko, the new addition to our family.
He is a 3-month-old toy poodle puppy, and the biggest sweetheart snuggler you've ever met. What a great Christmas present for all of us to have the opportunity to adopt this adorable little guy!
He is not the only excuse I have for not blogging, I have many but will spare you. The holidays are nuts for everyone, right? (If they weren't nuts for you, I envy you greatly, email me and tell me your secret!!)
At any rate, the big announcement today is that I am going to be doing all the recipes from here on in on the Pink Bakerie blog (my new business). I am really excited to finally be taking the plunge into my own baked-goods business. My etsy store is set up, just waiting for yummies to fill it... but that won't be the bulk of the business, hopefully. I really want to do sophisticated, adult desserts for special occasions locally. So if you need a wonderful, impressive sweet treat for a date night, anniversary, adult birthday, etc, just drop me a line!
The website will be up shortly. Right now it's just a placeholder. But someday I'll get a chance to work on it :)
This blog is going to become more of a personal/photography blog. I am really excited about how the Supermodel is doing and can't wait to share... plus pictures of Tiko and the family... all that fun stuff.
Until then, wish me luck in 2011... with two kids, horses, a full-time job, an upcoming wedding, being right in the middle of a move, and now a new puppy... I'm going to need it!
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