I've known this horse for a year now, and I have to tell you, when I met her I HATED her. She was ditzy and spooky and just seemed freaked out all the time. She would throw herself over backward in the cross-ties and broke several halters. She would run over you or in circles around you if you led her to or from her turnout. She was incredibly herd-bound, screaming her guts out if you took her away from her pasture mates. She paced in her stall and made a huge mess.
I was a bit apprehensive about bringing her here to The World's Smallest Equestrian Center (TM), but she's been here almost four months now and the turn-around has been HUGE. Seriously unbelievable.

A formerly stand-offish and ill-mannered mare has become the little princess I always suspected was inside her. She loves attention and is curious about everything we do. She's really blossomed, and even the herd-bound-ness has gone, in fact she is currently living alone and seems to be doing just fine.
Over the last couple of months I have managed to start her under saddle, a pretty incredible feat considering what little spare time I have had because of the wedding. But, she took to work like a duck to water.

These pictures were taken of her sixth ride ever. I'd already ridden her down the road at that point, very successfully. I am SO excited about what this year will bring... the idea of getting back into showing again makes me squeal with joy.
I have met up with a large Arab barn up the street that I can take lessons at and show with. They compete at major Arab shows in the area, which I don't necessarily believe we are ready for this year, except perhaps the in-hand classes. There are also several A-rated open shows, and TONS of schooling shows... Langley really is the promised land for those obsessed with horse showing, such as myself :)
I am setting up my goals for the year, and trying to keep them small, for two reasons: time and money. I am lacking in both. So I want to make the most of them and still feel fulfilled at the end of the season. I think the best way to do that is to compete in some bigger shows in in-hand classes and MAYBE some walk-trots, and do some smaller schooling shows in walk-trots initially, moving up to canter classes and/or Training level dressage.
Here are the major open and Arab shows in the area to choose from. I want to have my schedule firmed up by the beginning of the show season (April-ish):
BC Half Arabian Spring Show, Cloverdale: April 15-17
All-Arabian Horse Association Classic Show, Thunderbird: May 12-15
BC Sport Horse Summer Show, Cloverdale: June 18-19
All-Arabian Horse Association Jr/Amateur Show, Thunderbird: July 28-30
All-Arabian Horse Association Fall Frolic, Thunderbird: September 1-4
BC Sport Horse Fall Show, Cloverdale: September 23-25
My goal is to do 2 big shows (even if only in-hand) and 1 schooling show, preferably dressage. More, if possible. Even without a trailer, both Semiahmoo Stables and Sunnyside Saddle Club are within riding distance, and both places have jumping AND dressage series' through the summer.
Wow... even just thinking about it kind of blows my mind. I've never been in a place like this before!
I can't wait until the weather gets better and I can start taking lessons and start on the path toward showing. I am dying to see how far we can go! :)
Wish us luck... I will keep you all updated!

Elizabeth and Gia
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