So began a career with this special breed. I have always said that if you're going to try and make a name for yourself as a trainer, train Arabs. They're like cheating, they're so easy to work with. But I have learned that this is not true for everyone. You have to be a fair, tactful, sympathetic rider, but not afraid to stand firm when necessary. This is exactly the type of rider I am, and the type of horse I like-- in fact, both of my mares are half-Arabs (Moira is Arab and Dutch Warmblood, and Gia is an Anglo-Arab-- Arab and Thoroughbred).
I have meant to do more posts on horses from my past, but as the title of this blog implies, I just don't ever seem to find the time. So, today I am going to give you a little peek at the Arabs who have passed through my life over the years.
I will start way back in 1998, with Oliver Twist (Ollie) an Anglo-Arab pony I bought out of someone's backyard. We showed from schooling shows up to "A" rated large pony hunters. When I sold him in 2000, he went to Japan!

After that, concentrating on eventing and then moving across the state led me in a different direction. I didn't find myself with another Arab again until 2003, when a most amazing thing happened: Chaarlotte.
Chaarlotte has the best story of pretty much any horse I've ever owned, I will save it for her own post. But she is an incredible horse, and when I bought her, she was pregnant by a Paint stallion, whose name I of course can't remember:
... and she delivered a gorgeous black filly, another half-Arab, who we named Chaantilly.
Not long after, I bought my own small farm, and decided to go all out in breeding Arabs and half-Arabs. I leased an amazing stallion named Konfetti:

I tried to compete him, and qualified for Sport Horse Nationals, but he had a really bad colicking problem so eventually had to give the lease up because I wasn't comfortable taking on the liability any longer. But he was so wonderful I ended up leasing his full sister, Pye.

She foaled two fillies in the time I had her: Onyx (by a perlino stallion-- she's actually a smokey black, should have been a buckskin!)
And Beyond Grace (by a TB stallion named Beyond His Years:
At the same time, I had another Anglo-Arab broodmare named Kia:
... who had a gorgeous, and I mean freaking gorgeous, filly by Stormy Auctioneer, whom I named Stormy Romance (Tempest)

Seriously, the baby everyone wants.
I also had a purebred mare named Twitter Pation (who I did NOT get along with well), who never managed to get pregnant, and eventually sold as a kids' horse.
There have also been a few Arabs and Arab crosses (neglect/starvation cases) who came through my life briefly, to be re-homed, like Ruby Tuesday:


And Piffany, a yearling filly... who unfortunately was so badly starved, her organs shut down and she didn't make it.
Like I said, any time there was an Arab in trouble, I was there.
Eventually, due to a bad breakup, I ended up selling all the mares and foals except for Chaarlotte and Chaantilly who I gave to two of my good friends, who still have them. Maybe someday I'll get back into breeding, I really enjoyed it... but for now, I'm trying to focus on showing (although, that isn't going so well for me, lol!)
Eventually I will have more detailed stories on many of these horses... I promise!
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