Anyway a million things have happened since my last update. I am back in BC, working on settling in at a new place in Cloverdale. Somehow I find myself working a ridiculous job that was supposed to be a part-time, low pressure kinda thing, but instead is turning out to be 5 days a week and crazy. I'm not happy about it (the pay is abysmal) but for some reason I am reluctant to walk away and find something else. Who knows what will happen with that. In the meantime at least it's evenings and weekends so I get to spend my days with the boys... can't complain about that.
More importantly, on the horse front, I have several pieces of news that are much more interesting than my career (or lack thereof :D ) First, just as I was coming back to BC, Jessy asked if she could have miss Moira back. I was thrilled to say OF COURSE!! So they are back together and happy as clams. Moira looks great, I can't wait to see them showing again. Some pics of the SuperPony:
In other news, I myself am getting back into riding again too, and I am beyond thrilled :) When I first came back here, about 2-1/2 months ago, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I didn't want to own a horse, I definitely don't want that kind of responsibility right now. But I didn't really want to do a part lease or something, or even a free lease. I decided to just kind of look around and hope the right opportunity would present itself. And it has :)
A very nice lady approached me about riding her horse, a 16.1hh appendix QH gelding. Now as you probably already know, QHs are not my thing... I have spent the last several years with Arabs and TBs, particularly the hot and crazy ones. So needless to say I jumped at the chance! :D
This is Rocky, and he is adorable as heck, and SO MUCH FUN to ride. I don't have to constantly worry that my horse is going to spook out from under me. He does what I ask, when I ask it - usually, lol. It's a strange and wonderful feeling!
How strange to ride a horse that's already trained, that doesn't have issues I have to overcome. Plus, he's just so cute!
Rocky with his brother Harley. Love! <3
Anyway... we are already planning to go to the Willoughby Saddle Club show at CVP on July 22nd. I can't describe how excited I am. If you recall, my last show was a dressage show on Gia that left me so dejected I thought about not showing again. To be able to just go and show without worrying is going to be such a treat.
All in all, there has been so much change that it overwhelms me often. It's getting better with time but I still have my good days and bad days. I am trying very hard not to focus on what I have lost, and instead look at this is a chance to start over and do what I really want. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm also very, very grateful for everything in my life, positive AND negative. It's what makes us who we are.
Hopefully I will be able to update more often, can't wait to document my progress with Rocky (going to start him over fences soon, maybe we can even do some horse trials next year!), and this blog has been seriously lacking in recipes lately ;) Wish me luck!
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