Yesterday I went to physiotherapy for the first time, for a longstanding back issue that has only been exacerbated by pregnancy and getting pitched off the Supermodel. It was very interesting, I learned a lot-- about how the way I hold myself and the things I do affect my back and neck pain. I was sent home with lots of stretches and exercises to work on to improve my core muscles, which is kind of exciting to me as it will only improve my riding.
I feel very positive right now, for the first time in my life I feel like I'm actively working toward both my physical AND mental health. It's not an easy road, and I have a tendancy to get overwhelmed and upset. Hopefully I can look back at this post and remember that it isn't always like that, and it WILL get better with work and time.
One of the very interesting things that was pointed out to me is that I am not very good at breathing. (How can a human being NOT be good at breathing, you ask? I know, right?) I have a tendancy to hold my breath at the slightest provocation. I have to learn to relax and breathe... which we all already know I'm not good at. :) That will help my mental state, and of course my riding as well. Yes, I tend to look at things from the point of view of my riding-- but it gives me a physical, concrete perspective on what I'm trying to accomplish or change.
At any rate. I will be doing my exercises diligently (in fact, my boss even put out an exercise ball for me in the office!) and looking forward to the results. In the meantime, our show is this coming weekend, so there's lots to do right now!
My big goal for the show: concentration and focus. Gia lacks both, and it'll only be worse when there are a bunch of strange horses around her. I expect she'll lose her little pea brain at all the excitement. So I want to work very hard at both of us maintaining our focus, not getting distracted and/or frustrated. Anything else is gravy.
I can't wait! (Oh, and cross your fingers for good weather, I don't want to be hacking to the show in the rain!)
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