Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What goes up...

... you guessed it: must come down.

Got bucked off the Supermodel last night. It was my own stupid fault, and I'm kicking myself right now (well, not literally because I am pretty much too sore to move. But once I feel better I will be kicking myself!) I tried to squeeze in a ride in 45 minutes, dressed in my work clothes (very slippery jeans and slick-soled boots), and figured I'd be fine without longeing her first. UH, NO.

She was doing okay but getting a bit pissy, I could tell. I should have slowed down there and just let it go. But no... I decided that it was a good day to try cantering her for the first time. She tried her best, she really did, and then she just got mad. She kicked up at my leg (something she does on occasion) and I could see the lightbulb go on in her pretty little head. I went "OH NO YOU DON'T!" but I was too late-- she took off bucking, I slid off the back of the saddle onto her butt which just freaked her out. She whipped around in a 180 and took off the other direction, which projected me off her back and onto the (hard) ground. On my face.

I flipped onto my back, all the wind knocked out of me, feeling like I was about to die. Everyone came running out of the house and the workshop, and between gasping for breath I told them all I was fine, no don't call 911 or my husband, just give me a minute. Someone caught Gia and walked her around as she was very agitated. I eventually got up, not a whole lot the worse for wear, but for an enormous cut/bruise across my forehead that I honestly can't figure out how I did. Was it from the helmet? No idea.

I longed her for a few minutes (she ran around like a crazy person, tail straight up in the air) and then put her away and went home. I felt fine (ish) when I got into the car, but driving was painful (my left hip was killing me every time I pushed on the clutch) and by the time I got out I was already stiffening up in my neck and hip.

I did get silver spots in my vision and at one point Derek and I talked about going to the ER... but after some Advil and rest I felt much better so just decided to take a super hot bath and relax. Today I feel crappy (as expected) but it could have been MUCH worse. Derek found dirt in my EAR for goodness' sake, I am covered in road rash down my left side... but thank goodness I was wearing a helmet. I admit, I almost didn't-- that's how much of a hurry I was in. :(

Bad, bad, bad. But I've learned my lesson. I only hope my Supermodel doesn't figure out that bucking and bolting is a good way to end the working!

Going to go limp off and eat my lunch now...

PS: My father-in-law has dubbed me "Crash". I hate to tell him that it was more of a "thud" than a "crash", beacause "Crash" is a much snazzier nickname than "Thud".

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