Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Speed Bumps

My boss always says that tough times are like speed bumps-- you go over them, and keep going. You don't back up and run over them again and again. Makes you think, doesn't it? It's hard not to let the stressful stuff get you down, but if you think about it like that, 1) it makes you laugh (especially if you imagine the speed bump as someone you particularly dislike, KATRINA) and 2) it makes you realize that soon enough this will be behind you and you'll be moving on.

Personally I've learned to live my life in a state of gratitude, because then I always find things to be grateful for, no matter how small. If you live your life in a state of expectation or entitlement, like so many people I know (especially women-- perhaps it's the "damsel in distress" syndrome?), nothing will ever live up to those expectations.

I have found myself feeling particularly grateful lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm stressed... I took the time to have a good cry on my lunch break about some of the overwhelming things I've been going through. But at the same time, I can't help but appreciate my life and I know that this time is just a speed bump that'll soon be in my rear-view mirror.

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